2024 US-Botswana Workshop on Research Technologies in Water and Energy Needs for Remote Austere Locations, 22 to 25 July 2024, Maun, Botswana
2024 US-Botswana Workshop on Research Technologies in Water and Energy Needs for Remote Austere Locations, 22 to 25 July 2024, Maun, Botswana



25 March to 26 April 2024 10 May 2024

Extended Abstract


27 May 2024  07 June 2024

Acceptance Notification


28 June 2024

Final Paper Submission

Invited Speakers

Andrea Veciana

Andrea Veciana

ETH-Zurich, Switzerland

“Smart engineering nanomaterials for water cleaning”
Kedumetse Liphi

Kedumetse Liphi

Ked-LiphiBw, Botswana

“Energy, Innovation & Technology”


Xianming Ye

Xianming Ye

University of Pretoria, South Africa

“Optimal pathway towards carbon neutrality”
Benjamin Thomas

Benjamin Thomas

Army Research Lab, U.S. Army

“Zero water footprint for agile basing – Contested logistics”
Sylwia Oleszek

Sylwia Oleszek

Kyoto University, Japan

“Waste plastic in freshwater systems in Botswana”
Morris S. Berman

Morris S. Berman

Army Research Lab, U.S. Army

“US Army basic research in energy and power”
Fabian I. Ezema

Fabian I. Ezema

University of Nigeria

“Synthesis and efficiency of TiO2 based materials for waste water”


The three-day workshop aims to explore challenges, technologies, and research related to water and energy needs in remote austere locations, addressing common interests between Botswana, the USA, and other regions. Given the absence of conventional infrastructure in these areas, modern water purification and energy solutions face significant challenges. This workshop, featuring presentations, discussions, and recommendations, will cover evaluation, quantification, generation, modeling, distribution, and sustainability aspects.


Call for Participation
Extended abstract submission instructions
Full paper submission instructions

Proceedings of the US-Botswana Workshop on Research Technologies in Water and Energy Needs for Remote, Austere Locations 2024 (WORTHWEEDS 2024)  will be published in Google Scholar by Botswana International University of Science and Technology